Covid-19 Measures

Hotel Caeli 

Hygiene Manifesto

Dear Hotel Caeli Guests,

It is very important for us that you get a healthy and comfortable holiday.

Our priority is to offer you a pleasant holiday with hygienic accommodation where you can feel safe.

We would like to share with you our hygiene and cleaning measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a summary.

‘Operational considerations for Covid-19 Management’ published by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the accommodation sector,

Statements and recommendations of the Turkish Ministry of Health Science Committee,

Statement and recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Berlin State Administration,

Many standards have been added taking into account the opinions and recommendations of local health units and sector associations.

Our Central Pandemic Monitoring Board, which we created at the beginning of the pandemic process, constantly monitors the agenda and developments. According to the findings and recommendations of our Board, necessary revisions are also made in procedures and practices in accordance with the new situations that developments. Our staff has also been trained.

  1. Precautions and Hygiene Rules Related to Our Employees

The hygiene of our hotel employees, who are directly or indirectly in contact with our valued guests and also with each other, is one of the most important factors for their health and awareness of the general hygiene rules. Our work on this issue and the measures we take are listed below.

  • The transfer vehicle used by our employees on their way to and from work is disinfected every day. The personnel get into the vehicle by following the physical distance rules and only 50% of the vehicle capacity is full.
  • Our employees’ temperature is measured and recorded with digital thermometers before starting work. The personnel who do not feel well or think that they have the symptoms are given information about not coming to work, observing themselves by staying at home, and considering the next steps to be taken.
  • Staff uniforms are frequently changed and washed at a high temperature.
  • Disinfection units are available in the staff common rooms and other staff areas. Hands are frequently washed, and this unit is used.
  • It is mandatory for our staff to wear disposable masks and gloves.
  • Work is carried out in accordance with the physical distance rule in the personnel dining area. According to this rule, the personnel sit at a distance and as only one person.
  • Our hotel has a workplace physician. In possible cases, we have an action plan.
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic process, all our staff has been given training on pandemic and prevention methods and transmission conditions, and these trainings continue on a regular basis.
  1. Disinfection Processes

All guest rooms, restaurant, art & lounge bar, meeting room, spa area, children’s room, common areas, kitchen area, offices, and all other areas of Hotel Caeli have been disinfected in detail with a Hydrogen Peroxide-based substance, the effects of which are known and approved, and by professional teams the disinfection process continues accordingly.

Periodic indoor disinfection is carried out in all our indoor areas.

In our hotel, housekeeping staff also perform hygiene work with a mobile disinfection tool.

  1. Hygiene Rules for Common Areas
  • In our hotel, we work with Ecolab, which is internationally known for its chemical cleaning products. We have requested training sessions from Ecolab during this process. In this way, it is ensured that the right chemicals are used in the appropriate dose during cleaning. All areas work with equipment and cleaning materials suitable for that specific area.
  • As always, great care is taken at touchpoints such as door handles, elevators, buttons in all general and public areas. We use water, detergent, and diluted bleach. In all operations, employees wear disposable gloves.
  • Hand disinfection apparatus and products are available in our general areas and sinks.
  • Cleaning and disinfection intervals are controlled by a checklist.
  • Elevator use is restricted to a maximum of 2 people.
  • All areas have been reorganized according to the physical distance rule.
  • The orange buckets in our general areas will be solely for disposable masks and gloves to be discarded and will be replaced frequently.
  • Our isolation room is ready. In suspicious cases, the guest will be taken to the isolation room and informed by the medical teams.
  1. Check-in and Check-out Processes
  • Suitcases and other items will be disinfected and taken to your room by our personnel who have received the necessary training in this regard. Our guests will be taken to their rooms safely.
  • Our guests’ temperature will be measured by digital thermometers before entry. These results will be recorded. 
  • Our staff will offer cologne before briefly talking about the measures we are implementing and the measures we have taken.
  • In our hotel, measures have been taken to prevent congestion at the entrances and exits and waiting areas have been prepared in accordance with the physical distance rules.
  • Door cards are disinfected before the arrival of our guests and will be delivered in their cases.
  • All entry registration procedures will be carried out in accordance with the safe physical distance rules.
  • Our guests can share the necessary information for check-in via mail and complete this stage more safely.
  • POS devices that will be used in necessary situations are disinfected regularly and after each use.
  1. Our Guest Rooms
  • Housekeeping staff work with disposable gloves and disposable masks. After cleaning each room, hands are washed, and new masks and gloves are worn.
  • Room cleanliness is given great importance. In order to give more importance to the surfaces that are constantly touched with hands; the surface of the door handles, telephones, iPads, keypads, kettles, and minibars are also disinfected.
  • All towels and sheets are washed at 90 degrees and the necessary hygiene is provided. 
  • All mini bar products are disinfected, and the glass & porcelain materials used have been replaced with materials suitable for single use.
  • Our rooms are ventilated for a minimum of 6 hours after guests exit and subjected to routine ozonization.
  • After complete hygiene is provided, new guests are accepted.
  1. Restaurant and Art & Lounge Areas
  • There is no buffet service at our hotel. 
  • Breakfast is served in the form of mixed breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served as a la carte.
  • All our food and beverage departments will have a hand disinfection device at the entrance and our staff will make the necessary referrals.
  • In our restaurant; tables, and chairs, and sitting areas have been rearranged according to the recommended safe distance precautions. The restaurant is large and spacious enough for this.
  • The use of tablecloths on our tables will be removed. Cloth napkins will not be used. Disposable products will be preferred.
  • For placemats, the paper will be preferred instead of fabric.
  • Salt and sugar will be served on the table as disposables.
  • The service will be performed with disposable products at high-quality standards.
  • No item is washed by hand; everything is washed by the dishwasher at a high temperature. The presentation will be made with disposable materials for appropriate situations.
  • General cleaning of food and beverage areas and all other contact points such as tables, chairs will be disinfected properly before and after service.
  1. SPA and Fitness Areas
  • In the bath, sauna, and massage & care areas, services will be provided by creating extremely hygienic conditions and with disposable materials whose safety has been provided beforehand.
  • A reservation will be required for the use of a Turkish Bath and sauna, and the time for each guest will not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The use of our Turkish Bath, sauna, and steam room is limited in accordance with its capacity.
  • All our employees who perform the applications must follow the rules we have set to ensure their personal hygiene before and after each application, and it is mandatory to wear a mask in dry areas.
  • All sports equipment in our fitness room is arranged inappropriate conditions and disinfected after each use.
  • Public places such as locker room sections, showers, and sinks are all cleaned and disinfected.
  • The use of sunbeds in our indoor swimming pool has been arranged in accordance with the physical distance rule. 
  • As always, pool cleaning is done in a way that does not involve a health problem.
  • Great care is put into the ventilation of our indoor pool area.
  1. Playground
  • Our child guests are very valuable to us. In order to provide them with a safe holiday; ozonation, disinfection, and all the necessary cleaning are carried out meticulously in the children’s area regularly. 
  1. Wine Production Facility
  • We always attach great importance to the cleanliness and hygiene of the winery. Cleaning and hygiene are provided in the best way with safe products.
  • Winery tours are conducted in accordance with physical distance rules.
  • A limit on the number of people will be applied in the winery tours.
  • During the tour, the wine expert will wear disposable masks and gloves.
  • Participants of the tour are required to wear masks during this time. 

General Information

All products that we offer or produce to our esteemed guests are provided by reliable suppliers and taken according to safety precautions. All products entering the hotel undergo a necessary hygiene process. Storage conditions and production methods in our hotel are carried out in extremely hygienic environments.

Human-to-human transmission of the Covid-19 outbreak occurs by respiratory droplets or direct contact. For this reason; Guest & Guest, Guest & Employee, Employee & Employee distance, and relationships are very important for our hotel. As hotel Caeli, we expect to welcome you in the most hygienic and safe way with this awareness.